Back to Months
16th 17th 18th
1984 M - Had barbecued hamburgers at Lesser's before Tom and I went to the Twins game. Our seats were right behind home plate. Dean Spratt, blind traffic reporter for WCCO sang the "The Star Spangled Banner" a cappella. Twins lost 7-3 to Chicago. Hrbek smashed one 452'.
1985 T - Gail picked up two dogs ($450) and Ne excited about them. Signed offer for 62 Beach and put our house on the market.
1997 W - Day 72 of our 3 month journey around the world. See 1997 Trip Photo Journal.
1999 F - Elmer, an Aussie, sprayed our rooves. He was walking around in gumboots without a problem. Me, I have to crouch and always have one hand on the roof for balance. Ian dropped in on his bike.
2010 F - We visited Helen, with a floral gift to go with the others in the livingroom, and heard about her breast operation and John's post-op knees story.
2011 Sa - Twinkies for dessert which are now for sale at United Video but at $2 per Twink we only bought two to try.
2014 W - Drinks at Colleen's (claiming to be 21) and then we went to Osteria da Gino for a lovely meal with a 2011 Le Chiantigiane Chianti. Afagottos (Galiano for me) for dessert.
16th Back to Top 18th