Gail, Ne and Muppet loaded the car and spent a week driving to David in Rangiora. They camped along the way and took the ferry both ways.
Gail made it to Hamner Springs (a spa area) that was on her bucket list.
They brought David his winter clothes (needed year round down there).
He joined them for a trip across the Southern Alps to the West Coast to see the pancake rocks.
They missed out on whale watching in Kaikoura due to choppy waves. Things turned cold at that point and they just wanted to get back to sunny Bay of Plenty.
See Photos
At the pump:
It took me seven years to do the A-Z MalleyGrams. In some cases I had to leave things out due to space restrictions. I also reckon I have accumulated a few more items during that time. So I bring you D 2.0 The orignal "D" has been updated read it
DOGS - I inherited a puppy, Congressman Ghetto, when my roommate rescued her at QVS. She was with me for almost three years and had 35 puppies before we had her spayed. I named one of her offspring, Senator Shambles. Others were Lucifer, Ching Pang and Caesar. Found owners for most of them. When we left Fiji the Rams took Ghetto — she had become addicted to Doli’s curries.
In 1976 we got the first of many poodles. I named him Beethoven (Be), so I could say: “Roll over, Beethoven”. Gave him away when we moved to Minnesota. In 1982 we got a Cockerpoo that David named Sugar. She was an outdoor dog and loved the snow!! Gave her to my dad when we returned to New Zealand.
Over the years the poodles have been Asti Spumante (Monty), Sauvignon Cabernet (Cabby), Chardonnay (Chardy), Bonnie and Muppet. 2018 brought us Kismet. (more dogs...)
DRUMMERS - I was a drummer for the QVS staff band. We used the cadets' marching drums. Woody built a foot pedal for bass and I carved drum sticks from bamboo. The kit was built using physics lab equipment. That was just for fun and I am not really good at it.
We bought David a full set and he had lessons. Played a couple times with the other students for end of year concerts. He joined the Papakura Brass Band and performed several times in outdoor bandstands and in the Auckland Christmas parades.
DANIELS - I have known them since 1955 and stuttering Kincy was my best friend for a long time. The knockout blonde, Terri, broke my heart many times. I can still hear her exclaiming; “I almost had a COW!!” Lauren was my brother’s age, and he didn’t feature in my life. They had foster kids and I recall four of them. Holding it all together was Marge who was a loud, energetic mother. I loved the way she would say “warsh” for “wash”. I admired Kincy Sr who was a business math teacher, but never understood his penchant for wearing bowties. |