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1971 |
Hurricane alert: Sigston instructed the boys as to their various duties. We showed Half a Six Pence for the Rams. |
1972 |
Bought an English Pound note from Jesoni [ed. still have it in 2022]. |
1974 |
Breezes for Gail's birthday and steak suzanne with a Penfold Hock. Chris gave her tissues, Julie a batik book and honey from Fran. Watched The Servant. |
1975 |
Gave Bakkers the TV for the evening. Made a birthday card for Boardman - glued carrot seeds to toilet paper spelling "Happy Birthday".
Breezes over until 11PM and we finished the Galiano. Sold sewing machine for $190. |
1978 |
W - Lavington Trust Hospital (Mater Misericordiae) at 7AM for my septoplasty. Gave me a shot and the family left at 8:15AM. Dr Manning told me I would have a sensation of garlic in my nose. Next thing I know I was in bed and my back was being washed. Dr Mills removed some bone from my nose - my first operation and hospital stay.
amily came in the evening but I was pretty doped up and don't recall much. |
1980 |
Sa - Garage sale: sold wheelbarrow for $10. Couple looked at headboard but bought electric blanket. Sold headboard for $15. Funny reference from Ian. |
1986 |
Sa - Brought Prasad to Turners and Growers Hindi bazaar. Thought there would be more food. Did pick up aaloo - dried apricot/almond type fruit. David Lange
showed up. Prasad was amazed that there was no security needed - there was the Prime Minister alone, mixing with the public. Four hours at zoo. Watched Kashin
have a bath. Home for tea then brought Prasad to his flat (with Colin Shaw) on Kelvin Rd. Clarks showed up with a French wine as housewarming gift. Doug showed up and stayed for supper. |
1987 |
Su - Lamorna dropped in on her motorcycle and stayed for a coffee. We had a very good Babich '83 Pinotage Cabernet. |
1996 |
F - Brought Jim and Wally to Waitakeres. Piha and did the Mercer Bay Lookout Track, down to the beach and the Kitekite Falls.
Two hour drive back through rush hour traffic. Gail had a curry waiting and we had an excellent '94 Babich Gewurztraminer with it. Gail left Corning Ware cover on live stove element and it exploded. No one hurt.
Evening of movies, slides, photos, letters and many memories. |
1998 |
Su - Brought Dale and Roy to Kenny's Bar and Grill on K-Road for a great meal. Offer has been accepted and 33 Colombo is ours. |
2008 |
Made up a James montage for Trish. Gail and I went to Trish's where we met up with Alison and her son, Evan. Also met David's friend Sulan.
Joined by Jenny Brogan's mother, Terri and grandmother, Margaret. |
2015 |
Su - Colleen over for a meal with a nice Kate Radburn 2014 rosé. We had a warmed up White Chocolate & Raspberry Bavarian cheescake. |
2018 |
Th - 3B for final greenery into the bin. Shed almost empty now. David arrived. After supper I gave Gail her gifts. A power pack and magnesium. We played Stone Age. Dogs left. David and I played Plethora and Buccaneer. |
2022 |
T - Carcassonne with a break for 3 Domino pizzas. Gave Gail the mint gifts and Ne gave her a large bird decoration. We had a bosenberry trifle for dessert. |
2023 |
W - Back fence was removed. Trustpower cancelled fibre hookup, so Ne and I played the Duet version of Wingspan Asia.
Card from Trish. Had a delicious 2021 Isabel Pinot Noir Rosè with our stir fry. No gym because I forgot that the code had changed. We watched Saints beat Bombers in preseason match. |
2024 |
F - Watched Roos 65 - Saints 84 in preason game. Left at 2:30PM. On 29 a fellow who was on roadside pulled out to do a u-turn, we all had to slam on the brakes and luckily there was no accident. Got to Highway 1 in 2 hours, then it took another hour just to travel the last short distance to Takanini. So I was way late but we still managed to get to the stadium and were the last car into the parking across from the gate. During the ride in Ann told me about 54 days in Tasmania with Chris. Scored an "Up the Wahs" flag. Warriors scored two quick tries then nothing and the Sharks managed to win 16 - 12. So we left with 90 seconds to go and beat the traffic. I had a 2.25 hr drive back and got home at 1AM. |
7th |
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9th |