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19th 20th 21st
1959 Mom brought Gary and me to the Richfield 56 - Wayzata 55 game. When an opposition player is taking a free throw we chant "See that basket, see that ball, come on meathead, hit the wall".
1966 Impala's waterseal cracked and can't run engine. Mom let me take over the payments for the '64 Cutlass convertible.
1980 Th - Gail brought Aldies to airport at 5:30AM; going to Kays in Texas.
1981 F - 20" of snow over the past two days. Worst storm since 1940 and 105,000 houses without power.
1986 Th - Went to my first C.I.P. meeting. Graham is the new coordinator. Pretty boring except when David Keppel takes on everyone. [ed. - CIP: if mill did better than plan, employees got a bonus for that month].
1994 Went to Panmure Basin with Whites and had a ride on a model train. Then to Dingle Dell Reserve for a stroll before we picked up Steve and his belongings at his uni flat. Supper and bridge. Clarks stopped in.
1995 M - Home from school and found house burgled. Broke in to garage via back door and tried to get into house through the wall that leads to my den. Then he used grapefruit to break Ne's window and tried to get through her door to house. And then broke into our bedroom and figured out how to get to David's through the closet. Took David's Daisy air rifle, some of Ne's CDs and kids' cash (list). Called cops at 4:15PM, they came at 6:30PM and were here a couple hours, getting fingerprints and filling out forms.
1999 Sa - Doug's 50th. Met Mark Troup's wife, Leah, and their dog, Zeus. Met Maureen Thompson's daughter, who was serving drinks. Met Jo Wilson's husband, Peter. Caught up with Richard Heard (Rosehill student). Met Scott who works at Air New Zealand. Steve and Helen were on hand. Ian and Susi were also there. Doug's cousin Dougie, and Linda (now engaged). Johnstons were there and Wayne gave a speech. Trish, wearing a pink punk wig also spoke. Chris and Chad were on the dance floor (in garage) all night. Met the DJ, Gary, who claimed to have won The Warehouse $10,000 Challenge, but I stumped him. Doug's uncle John gave a speech as did Lindsay Smith. Perry and Kay on hand, too. Jenny Daly arrived at 11:30PM from crash derby. Joan and Graeme Phillips. Ne left after the speeches and we left at midnight, just after Doug went into the pool hoping someone would join him, but no takers.

2005 Brenda and Rich had decided on going to Taupo and hike Tongariro, so after organizing that and breakfast we took them to Awhitu where we ran into a Settler's reunion at the homestead. Stopped to look at Hudson's WWII plane and Karioitahi.
2007 Met Mike Gawel, at airport, in from 18 hour flight from Japan on way to conference in Tonga. 3 hours catching up. He gave me Guam tourist propaganda and a bag of Guam Coconut cookies that Ne and I rated highly.
2010 Sa - Checked out of Hotel Cairns and walked across the street to get our Corolla from Budget. Since we had time to kill, we went to the Botanical Gardens and walked around Flecker section (didn't do the lakes). Took many photos of the tropical plants from around the world. We got to Mission Beach and I asked where Tasker was situated in the Beachcomber Coconut Camp Grounds only to be told that his car broke down in Innisfail. Since it was a 45 minute drive back to there we decided to have a coffee and played a game of cribbage and carried on to our destination, Ingham. Stayed at Tropix Motel, where Tadd (from Poland) and I had a long conversation about where to live in OZ. Gail and I headed straight out across the road to explore Tyto Wetlands in the rain. Scared off around 50 agile wallabies and was buzz bombed by a couple birds protecting their nestlings. Finally found the trail and headed out. 3Km around a swamp, but in reality we were sloshing through water on the trails. Rain became worse and Gail wanted to turn back, but I insisted on carrying on as it would be shorter. Just when I was ready to admit that we were lost I realized we had done the complete circuit and we found our way out. We went clockwise, if we had gone the other way we would have read the sign warning that there are crocodiles at the start and maybe would have not gone at all.
Rain Tree


2011 Su - We did the Daisy Hardwick section of the Waikareao estuary walkway with Ne.
2017 M - A couple days ago we said our fridge smelled, so Gail put the temp to lowest. Well, a glass juice bottle exploded when it froze up.
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