2006 - No. 6         www.malecek.com        
Fawkes Finale?      a2z
Government has been threatening to ban the sale of fireworks and it might just happen. The weather was perfect for a bonfire - no wind. And we had a mighty blaze. So big that the fire department drove in to check it out. But ours was nothing compared to one high a hill many miles away. I was certain that the Waiuku forest had gone ablaze, but found out it was just a bonfire. The mini-Whites joined us to set off our fireworks. [2014 - no ban so far]



Fiji Friends
We joined other Waiuku families with ties to Fiji to celebrate Independence Day with kai, hulas, sing-songs and yaqona.

Steph Shifts
Stephanie returned from France in October and was able to find a place to stay in a rural setting near the village of Hunua, east of Papakura.


enlarge CCCC Chris - My little brother and his family of “C”s: Celia (from Philippines), Christian Paul and Celina. He is a caretaker and owner of apartment buildings. At home he is a wicked chef, favoring Cajun culinary. They drive arouind in a big old Cadilac.

Patricia MontgomeryCOKE - “Things go better with Coke©”. It was a big deal to order a cherry Coke© at a drugstore's soda fountain. Back in 1963, after a hard night at Metropolitan stadium selling hotdogs, Gary Olson and I would share a large Coke© and watch...
enlargeCARSON - “The Tonight Show” host. I was hooked on to late night shows beginning with Steve Allen, followed by Jack Paar. Johnny was the best.
enlarge ClarkzCLARKZ - Taught them, coached them, rented our house to them, wined & dined with them, played with them and worked with them. Mike and family have been “meshing” with Malleys for 33 years [now 40 years].
enlargeCOTTAGE GROVE - We tried the typical U.S. suburban lifestyle for four years (1981-4) in this Minnesota town. Cub Scouts, Bluebirds, Little League. PTA. I was working at The StPaul Companies with...
COMPUTERS - Four years programming on an IBM mainframe followed by 21 years with Personal Computers of all types (I have over 600 of them in all shaoes and sizes). First one that I owned was an Apple IIC. In 2014 we have a desktop (grunt machine), a laptop, a notebook, a netbook and a tablet for just me and Gail. You name it, I have touched one.

CABBY & CHARDY - enlarge Cabby enlarge Chardy Cabernet Sauvignon was a black miniature poodle and Chardonnay was a smaller and feistier toy apricot poodle.

Cathos - Cereal boxes - ‘58 Chevy - Chianti - Czech - comic books - cribbage - carrots
SW Hero Malley Muses
Wrightisms Part 2:
  • 1. I intend to live forever—so far, so good.
  • 2. I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time.” So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.
  • 3. I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 4. I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.
  • 5. What's another word for Thesaurus??
If you were to bet correctly that the world will end in 2007, how would you collect your winnings?
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